January 2014

How would you like some of these cute little toppers to dress up your Valentine’s Day cupcakes?

Well, they can be yours, for FREE, now through February 14th!

I’m giving away these cuties for free with every purchase made in my Etsy shop, now through Valentine’s Day.

I mounted the tiles on straws and used them as cupcake toppers, but they could easily be strung for use as a cake banner, as well.

Giving a gift to your special someone?

Add these tiles to the gift wrap!

They’d even be cute gracing the bottom of a card envelope.

The possibilities are endless!

So, come on over to the shop and see what strikes your fancy!

Here are a few of the Valentine’s Day goodies that are in the shop right now,

and more are on their way, so stay tuned!


Get this invite here.

Get this invite here.

Happy Shopping!
