June 2010

Whew, this weekend was a busy one for baking! On the “to do” list were:

 Graduation cupcakes


Ice cream Sundae Cupcakes


…and…drumroll please…

a Laptop Cake…complete with a mouse!


I am sooo pleased with the way they all turned out…especially considering that my baking day ended up being the type of day where anything that could possibly go wrong did go wrong. 

Yes, contrary to popular belief, even I have those days!  🙂

I owe a tremendous “thank you” to my hubby who stayed up with me until 4:00 in the morning just so I could get them all done in time.  He is most definitely the BEST! 

You can see more photos of these fun creations and get decorating instructions here.

Enjoy, and have a happy day! 
