Sweet Shoppe Party Invitations

Well, the big Sweet Shoppe Party is just over a week away and the planning is going great!

There are lots of fun things in store…I can’t wait! 

Now that the invitations have all been delivered, you can have a little sneak peek into this sweet soiree. 

Here are the lollipop invites…drumroll, please…


Aren’t they adorable?!!  I’m so excited about how they turned out!


I have a big crush on that sherbet colored ribbon, too…love it! 

These were so incredibly simple to make. 

Just use a circle cutter to create the circles on patterned scrapbook paper.

Print your party wording on white cardstock (here’s what I put on mine): 


Then cut the cardstock into circles slightly smaller than your patterned paper. 

Use double-sided tape to attach them together. 

Secure a lollipop stick to the back of each invite, then hot glue a bow in the front to make it pretty. 

I jazzed up the envelopes a little too, just for the fun of it. 


Don’t you love them?!!

Stay tuned….the big party details are soon to follow!  🙂

By the way, I want to make sure I give credit to The TomKat Studio for the “sweet” inspiration.  Her adorable invitation idea inspired me to make my own.  THANK YOU!  🙂 affiliatebanner_160x240_girlbirthday-6357373  affiliatebanner_160x240_boybirthday-3825208 Tweet