Epilator: How to choose an epilator

Epilator; how to choose the best? In this article, you will learn how to choose an epilator – which models are available, which attachments are available, which brands are better, and which is more reliable for the price. Everyone knows how to remove excess hair from the body and face and why. Someone uses wax, someone cream, and some visit beauty salons and pull the hair once and for all with electrolysis or laser. It all depends on the abundance of excess vegetation and the availability of capital. However, the most common way, at home and the most convenient but no less effective, is a compact electric device for intimate hygiene – an epilator. Going out and buying this small handheld device is a simple matter, but how to choose the right epilator is your question. We will try to answer it as completely as possible. Then…

How to choose an epilator?

I want to warn everyone who has not yet used the device – the method of pulling hair together with the bulb is excruciating. No matter how much the manufacturer tries to facilitate this process, it can not avoid inconvenience in this regard. But there is also a positive thing – the hair starts to grow back only after three weeks.

On the one hand, choosing an epilator is simple; since they cause everyone pain, you need to be guided by quality and comfort. Some other criteria are not so critical, but they will help you decide on a wide range of devices that remove unnecessary “cover.” All are divided into models, the number of attachments, the possibility of processing the skin, the systems from which they are powered, the availability of additional functions, the price, and manufacturers.

Epilator models

If epilepsy is considered to remove vegetation along with the “root,” but not superficial grooming mustache, beard, temples, etc., then the choice of diuretics by type (principle of action) is not comprehensive. There are only two: disc and tweezers. These discs spin and grab the hairs or a mini piano mounted on the processing unit in a checkerboard pattern.

It doesn’t matter. But there is an opinion that tweezers remove better. I would add that it all depends on the area to be treated: if it is a bikini area – yes, if legs, then a disc is better.


The best option is to choose an epilator with multiple attachments. But this is not necessary at all. If the hair is thin and grows “not on purpose,” you don’t have to pay too much. A standard epilator with a shallow attachment is fine.

In general, the essential equipment consists of a central part with a motor and a processing part equipped with disks or tweezers. The kit should also include a protective cap and a hairbrush. For those whose pain threshold does not allow them to enjoy the procedure, a massage attachment lifts the hair and a tip: fly after a bath, when the whole body is steamed and the pores are open.

If all measures have not reduced the pain and fear of the upcoming execution, choose a washing machine with a cooling device. These models are more expensive, but whether the overpayment is worth it can only be determined by trying. There is a restrictive attachment to treat specific areas in a small space, for example, the bikini area. If you have not used hair loss in the salon, you cannot avoid it at home with the limitation of terrible pain. That’s why I consider it useless.

In addition to the above attachments, you can choose an anti-seizure device as it is included in the kit:

  • Point fixation (for the face);
  • Shaving;
  • For exfoliation;
  • Massage nozzles;
  • Trimmer

A buyer who has chosen urinary products with all these “gadgets” will not only be able to remove vegetation on all parts of the body with hair follicles almost painlessly and therefore for a long time but also shave and smooth (e.g., beard).

Supply system

Which epilator to choose: online or rechargeable?

For those who remove their hair and at the same time walk around the apartment – of course, the battery option. So what if you need to buy additional chargers or regularly buy and replace batteries, but you are mobile? I chose a power source. A 3-meter cable allows you to move to a comfortable position, right after the shower, without leaving the bathroom; I eliminate all unnecessary hair. While for tourists, the model will be pleased with both.

Additional functions

An additional feature is the presence of speed change buttons. With a switch washer, you can pull your hair out slowly and gently or so fast that some people don’t notice. Most often, there are two speeds: 1 and 2.

Backlighting. There is nothing more to say about it. Decide for yourself what you will focus on for it: the space under the sofa in search of car keys, the keyhole, or wait for a power outage when you pluck excessive hair.


It is perhaps most important to choose an epilator based on this criterion. The quality of plucking, service life and the size of the interval between operations depends on who and where the device is assembled. Europeans are considered a proven “white” company. Of course, you have to pay for quality. But I think it is better to pay for quality than the number of attachments and additional functions.

The best epilator manufacturers and brands: Braun, Panasonic, Moser, Philips. The first two brands are the best.

choose an epilator

choose an epilator

Price for an epilator

You can also choose an epilator for price. An ordinary one with one main nozzle and a set (brush, case) costs about $ 30. If you take it equipped with all possible attachments and functions, look for a price of 120 dollars. The set of such a unit can include a cooler, tweezers and beauty, and a make-up machine.

Finally, I can’t resist some good advice on choosing an epilator: the handle of this device must fit your palm like a glove. And comfortable, place the finger on the switch. A few words about hygiene: don’t forget to clean the work area. It is removed and washed under running water or treated with alcohol. In addition, if the hair remains, they prevent the tweezers from grabbing the next coat. And if you also read the attached instructions and follow them, the epilator will fight for the skin’s smoothness for many years.